RECENT RELEASE! Secret of the Woods

July 10, 2014

C370Ah…nothing like those long, sweltering summer months with all the kids home, when it’s “too shmoiling (kid lingo for boiling hot)” to ride bikes outside, and it’s “too boring” to play board games indoors, and all you want to do is head for the pool—alone—if only you can somehow find a way to occupy the gang so you can swim in peace…

This, my friends, is where good, wholesome summer reading for your tweens comes into play. All you need is a “geshmake” book with an awesome and suspenseful plot, and maybe a few bags of popcorn and a slushy or two thrown in—and your tween is set for the next few afternoons! (If he’s a fast reader, sorry, Mom—you just may have to spend more money and indulge in new books a bit more often for him…)

Still looking for that terrific book that will actually hold your child’s interest for more than five minutes? Search no more—you’ve come to the right site! Secret of the Woods is a thriller of an adventure book, and your tween will just love it!

Set against the backdrop of summer vacation (when else?), Secret of the Woods has all the elements your adventurous preteen wants to see in a spine-tingling mystery novel: a great chevrah of boys with a penchant for detective work, a suspicious tenant who seems to turn up in the oddest of places, and an alarming amount of diamond robberies happening in a frum diamond dealer’s work area…

Want to know what will happen? Your tween sure does! Give him this book—and let his pleasure and fun begin…

Oh, and enjoy your swim! :)

Click here to purchase online.