New Release! Mirror Image

March 29, 2011

Refreshingly different. Those are the words that went through my mind after I finished reading Mirror Image.  With so many novels nowadays being about so many of the same topics, this novel has a unique, “refreshingly different” plot. For example, take the fact that Yonason Farber, the main character, who has been an ordinary yeshivah bachur for nearly his whole life, has a father who happens to be… a non-Jewish truck driver. Sounds intriguing from the start, doesn’t it? (Don’t worry—I won’t tell you any more; I wouldn’t want to ruin the book for you!)

Besides having a plot that’s so different than your typical Jewish novel, Mirror Image is, in plain English, a great book! It is well-written, and its characters are deep and three-dimensional. You will find yourself relating—in some way—to them and their struggles. The book also contains lots of good lessons. While an entertaining read, it is thought-provoking, too, leaving the reader off with some food for thought at its satisfying conclusion.

So for all of our dear overworked readers just chaloshing for a good way to unwind once Pesach begins (we’d never suggest that you so much as touch this book before then!), search no more! This book is all that you need.

Have a Chag Kasher V’sameach, and happy reading!

Click here to purchase online.

Torah Vodaas Haggadah – In Stores NOW!

March 29, 2011

You’ve worked hard. If you are a man, you’ve been reviewing the relevant Pesach halachos, striving to enhance your Pesach Seder, and have been looking forward to this year’s Seder for months. If you are a woman, you’ve scrubbed your house from top to bottom, covered every conceivable inch in the kitchen with silver foil and the like, and cooked up a storm of delicious-but-painstakingly-hard-to-prepare, kosher l’Pesach food. Now you want to enjoy yourself at the Seder. And that is exactly what you deserve to do.

Buying a copy of The Torah Vodaas Haggadah is the perfect way to ensure a wonderful, inspirational, and uplifting Seder for you and your family. The Torah Vodaas Haggadah contains the original insights on the Pesach Haggadah of seven of the legendary Torah Vodaas roshei yeshivah: Rav Shlomo Heiman, Rav Gedaliah Schorr, Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky, Rav Reuven Fain, Rav Simcha Sheps, Rav Avrohom Pam, and Rav Elazar Kahanow, zichronam l’vrachah. Additionally, it provides beautifully-written biographical sketches of each gadol, as well as their unique Pesach minhagim.

This Haggadah is truly one of a kind. The divrei Torah it includes will fill you with emunah, while inspiring you with the depth contained in each one. For years, these great roshei yeshivah led their talmidim and Klal Yisrael. Now you can allow them to lead your Seder with this handsome Haggadah.

The Torah Vodaas Haggadah. It’s an investment in your family’s Seder; an investment in your Pesach experience.

Click here to purchase online.

Enjoy a look behind the scenes of how this Haggadah came to be: Keep Reading…

Beneath the Surface – New Serial, Coming Next Week!

March 22, 2011

Shragy Ostfeld is the son every mother dreams of having. He’s a top learner, a baal middos, and has a wonderful personality—an all-around great catch. His sister Simi is convinced that he needs the most perfect, most talented girl for a wife. No Plain Jane will do for her brother!

What happens when Menuchi Feder, whose very essence denotes plainness and simplicity, ends up marrying Shragy? Is she condemned to feeling inferior to her outgoing and capable sister-in-law her entire life?

Meanwhile, Chani Ostfeld, Shragy and Simi’s mother, has a load of her own on her shoulders. Intent on saving her little brother’s soul from a horrifying destruction, she pours all her energy into her mission at hand. How can she know that salvation will come from the most unlikely source…?

It takes a lot of soul-searching, powerful internal struggles, and some unexpected and dramatic connections from the past for the Ostfelds to learn how to reshuffle family dynamics—and find their real standing amongst each other.

Check back next week for Chapter One of Beneath the Surface, a new online serial by Esther Rapaport, author of Diamond in the Rough and Divided Attention.

SUPERMOM! (Who? Me?) – In stores now!

March 15, 2011

Sarah Pachter is a wife, mother of a large family, and a full-time journalist who burns pots (occasionally), juggles work and home (not always successfully), and is a warm Yiddishe mama (always). In her new book Supermom! (Who? Me?) she shares her ups and downs—the sweet moments of parenting and those racked with guilt—openly, one friend to another, in her light engaging style that every woman can relate to.

So, how does Supermom deal (or not) with her kid’s Purim costume crisis? Read below to find out…

(Click here to purchase online.)

Purim. The happiest holiday of the year will soon be here, so why am I feeling so far away from perfect happiness?

Faced with the huge choice of costumes and the cacophony that comes with them, the question becomes moot. The children continue gaily digging through the bags of costumes that we’ve assembled—and preserved!—over the years, and I continue staring disbelievingly at the ever-growing pile of costumes awarded a no with a capital N.

They casually reject the nicest costumes, tossing aside fancy dresses, gowns, capes, and hats. I glumly acknowledge that this is not unique to my humble home, but that the same scene is taking place in Jewish homes everywhere.

When I was a child, any colorful bit of material, any mask cut out of a simple sheet of paper, fired our imagination and could qualify as a costume. We really weren’t picky.

Am I right? Or do I have a selective memory? Keep Reading…

Book Excerpt – The Punch Line

March 14, 2011

For all those in need of a good laugh, a good cry, or just a plain good read, please read on!

A book that you’ll think has been custom-made especially for you has just been released! It’s called The Punch Line, and trust me, it really does pack quite a punch! Brimming with entertainment, inspiration, and life’s lessons culled from some of the oddest, yet most interesting, subjects and items, The Punch Line is a book that you’ll love right from the first piece!

Click here to purchase online.

Here is an excerpt l’kavod Purim:

The Purim Theme

I come from a very simple family. The mishloach manos we send usually consists of a nicely decorated bag or a plain brown basket, filled with standard nosh like potato chips, pretzels, lollipops, etc. So we were all in for a surprise when this year, my married sister announced that she’d be having a ‘theme’ for Purim. Yup, she said, everyone on her block had a ‘theme,’ and she was beginning to feel left out, backward, out-of-step with the times here in Boro Park. She explained that one neighbor last year dressed all her kids up as yellow and black striped bees. She sent mishloach manos made up of a jar of honey, honey cake and a small box of Honeycomb cereal. Another neighbor’s family was costumed as astronauts. They sent over a plastic container in the shape of a rocket ship, filled with moon-shaped sugar cookies and star fruit. So, she concluded, this year, she’d also come up with a ‘theme.’

I meekly suggested that she might want to try the original Purim theme – with Esther, Haman, Mordechai – but she looked at me like I’d just suggested she trade in her brand new Hummer for a trusty old horse and buggy. Seeing that I couldn’t talk her out of it, I shrugged my shoulders and left her to plan her Purim shebang. Keep Reading…