Without a Trace – Chapter 36

March 21, 2013

Israel Book Shop presents Chapter 36 of a new online serial novel, Without a Trace, by Esther Rapaport. Check back for a new chapter every week. Click here for previous chapters.

Shevi opened the door and entered the house; signs of the housewife’s exhaustion were apparent in every corner. The chairs were in disarray, a towel was tossed on the floor, both sinks were piled high with dishes, and a phone book was open on the table that was strewn with crumbs. With a tired sigh, she closed the book and sought the dishrag. She had no energy to do much now, but Gavriel would be back in a few minutes from his mother’s with Miri, and at the very least, he could come home to a clean table, if not a whole supper.

Baruch Hashem, Eliad’s condition had improved drastically, and the doctors expected to release him at the beginning of next week. But it was no wonder she was tired. Since Monday, when Elinor had called in a panic, Shevi had hardly been home, spending most of her time with her family at the hospital, next to Eliad. They had even seen Gavriel’s rabbi, Reb Eliyahu, twice over there.

“You’re very family-minded,” her mother-in-law had remarked to her recently, and it was impossible to discern from her tone if it was criticism or a compliment. Gavriel’s mother had really been very helpful. This was the third time she’d offered to watch Miri during this chaotic period.

Shevi bustled around quickly. As she put up a pot of water on the stove for pasta and lit the gas, the phone rang. It was Gavriel’s mother.

“Gabi just left,” she said. “His father’s bringing him.” She paused, as though waiting for a reaction of some kind.

“Thank you so much,” Shevi said warmly.

“Oh, it’s fine. Listen, Shevi, I asked him if you spoke to your neighbor about what I’d asked, and he said he had no idea. Did you do it yet?” Keep Reading…

Where Wild Marigolds Grow – IN STORES NOW!

March 20, 2013

L595There are different types of novels out there. Some are the roller-coaster, spine-tingling ones, the ones with cloak-and-dagger material and guns and spies and shadows; the ones not intended for the faint of heart. Others are the exact opposite: nice, light reading for your reading relaxation needs. Then there is another type of novel—a well-written, contemporary story, with believable characters who have realistic challenges and issues…and an unmistakable, strong message interwoven throughout. When you read this book, you are definitely being enthralled and entertained—yet when you finish it, you don’t feel like, Why did I just waste my time reading this story? The inspirational lessons brought out in the book leave you with much food for thought, even long after you’ve turned the last page.

Where Wild Marigolds Grow is this type of novel. It’s a great book—readers of all types will agree to that—yet it doesn’t leave you feeling empty after you’ve finished reading it. To the contrary, this is a book that you’ll be hashing about with your friends over a cup of coffee. Hot topics are taken up and brutally examined; the deepest subconscious thoughts of the characters are not pushed aside, but are brought to the table and dealt with in an honest and thorough way. Leah, Miriam, their husbands, and all the rest of the cast come alive in readers’ minds in a very real way, as readers find themselves relating to these characters, whether because of their life experiences, challenges, or the growth processes they, too, have gone through.

For all thinking readers of today’s day and age—Where Wild Marigolds Grow is a book you’ll find yourselves devouring again and again.

Click here to purchase online.

Take a Pesach Cleaning Break with Mordechai Schmutter :)

March 18, 2013

L378Calling all harried housewives, hungry husbands, and other stressed-out-from-Pesach-cleaning folk! Here is your chance to get your hands on the first and only book of absolutely kosher l’Pesach humor and stress relief!

Don’t Yell Challah in a Crowded Matzah Bakery was popular humor columnist Mordechai Schmutter’s first humor book, and though it sold itself out, we are proud to announce that it is now back in print once again! This is the book you’ll want to buy for your wife, after you come home to a sparkling clean, kosher l’Pesach room and then discover that the pocket you’d put your emergency stash of pretzels in had a hole in it. This is the book you’ll want to buy for yourself after you get through that encounter. This is the book that will preserve your sanity even during the most hectic and nerve-wracking moments of Pesach cleaning-shopping-cooking-baking-nap-taking-and-other-preparations…simply by making sure you laugh…and laugh…and laugh some more!

To get more of an idea of what we mean, here is an excerpt from this book, from the chapter titled “Cleaning House.”

(Click here to purchase a copy.)

The Cleaning Process

            The basic idea in cleaning for Pesach is to turn everything upside down and shake it, and then to cover it in contact paper just in case.  The most practical method of doing this is to start at the far reaches of the house and slowly work your way toward the kitchen, so that you don’t stupidly paint yourself into a corner and end up eating all of your last-minute chametz meals in the guest closet.  Many women who would like to at least get some Pesach cooking done carefully leave one strange-but-not-totally-insane room to eat in, such as the basement or the garage, and then do most of their chametz cooking on one of those little travel burners that heat up when you plug them in, not unlike your laptop computer.  Keep Reading…

NEW RELEASE! I Can Go By Myself

March 7, 2013

C340If you have a 2 ½ year old kid who you’re thinking of toilet training, I have three things to tell you. Number one: Good luck! Number two: Good luck! And number three: Good luck!

No, seriously, I have a little boy around toilet training age, too, and I’m dragging my feet to begin the process. I know from past experience with other kids that toilet training a child is far from fun!

Well, at least that’s what I had thought up until last week, when I brought home the adorable new children’s book on toilet training, I Can Go By Myself, and began reading it to my little one. Suddenly, toilet training didn’t seem so terrible after all.

We giggled our way through each set of rhymes, stopping to admire the charming illustrations before turning to the next page. Then, when we finished reading it, I was commanded to, “Read again!” And so read again I did…and then another time…and then once more… Pretty soon, my son and I were chanting the rhymes together by heart, and he was running to show me that he also knew what to do in the bathroom.

While I Can Go By Myself will not train your kid for you (if there is a book out there that does, please let me know about it!), it will introduce him to the concept of using the bathroom in an extremely fun, child-friendly, and most importantly, kosher and refined way. The entire toilet training process is described in adorable rhymes, with illustrations that are so cute, you almost want to pinch the little character’s cheek.

By far, my child’s most popular line was about “zooming zippity-zip, to the bathroom like a rocket ship” in order to stay dry. And you know what? If he wants to go around the house chanting that over and over, I’m all for it…it just might sink in!

In any case, once you read this book, too, I’m sure you’ll agree with me: I Can Go By Myself is a one-of-a-kind children’s book in the Jewish market, and it will significantly enhance and even accelerate the entire toilet training process for your child. Buy it for your child, read it to him…and may you have lots of hatzlachah with the whole training experience!

Click here to purchase online.

Without a Trace – Chapter 35

March 7, 2013

Israel Book Shop presents Chapter 35 of a new online serial novel, Without a Trace, by Esther Rapaport. Check back for a new chapter every week. Click here for previous chapters.

Zevi climbed the familiar stairs, but before he had even managed to knock, the door was pulled open and two little figures hurled themselves at him.

“Zevi!” Shloimy howled. “Ima! Zevi’s here! Savta! Zevi’s here! Abba! Zevi’s here!”

His mother came out of the kitchen and began hovering around him, like she usually did. His brothers danced around him happily, and he tried to smile at them all despite his exhaustion.

“How was it, Zevi’le?” his mother asked when things had calmed down a bit and the younger children had decided that they had seen enough of him. Savta had gone to lie down before lunch, and he and Ima were left alone in the kitchen.

“It was very nice,” Zevi said, leaning back in his chair. He couldn’t deny the fact that he had enjoyed himself, despite all the arguments he’d had with Yehuda. He smiled and drank the rest of the contents of his glass. Now he had an opportunity that he did not know when he would have again. It was just him and Ima, and Yehuda’s words were fresh enough in his mind so that he could repeat them as they had been said. True, he did not agree with Yehuda one hundred percent, but that was exactly why it would be a good idea to first hear what his mother had to say about it. He wondered if Abba had told Ima about the guy who had been following him. Then again, that was really unrelated to this conversation. Keep Reading…