NEW RELEASE: Exploring the Wonders of the Human Anatomy

November 30, 2020

LA191Exploring the Wonders of the Human Anatomy

Did you also grow up thinking that those white spots on your fingernails were caused by a lack of calcium, since you didn’t drink enough milk? Or that eating carrots will improve your eyesight? Or that if you swallowed a watermelon seed, you’d grow a watermelon inside you?

Okay, that last one I’m sure you outgrew by the time you were six, but those other long-believed myths? Many adults haven’t outgrown them and still think they are true!

That’s why it’s so important to make sure your kids read Exploring the Wonders of the Human Anatomy, the latest book in the Jewish World of Wonders series, by Efraim Harari. Okay, it’s not the only reason why they should read this book—far from it! The main reason is: they will absolutely love, love, LOVE it, and will be kept busy reading it for hours at a time. The book is chock-full of all kinds of fascinating information about our amazing body, with full-color photos and adorable illustrations, not to mention informative diagrams and fun-facts, hilarious jokes, and so much more, all written from a Torah perspective. Readers will learn about the various systems in the body, the specific role each organ and body part plays, and how everything functions so harmoniously together—true nissim and nifla’os ha’Borei.

For a gift this Chanukah that will entertain your kids as well as truly educate and inform them in Torah-true fashion, Exploring the Wonders of the Human Anatomy is the answer.

Oh, and the REAL reason for white spots on fingernails? Check out page 81 for that!

Click here to purchase online.

The Black Sheep – Chapter 7

November 30, 2020

Israel Book Shop presents Chapter 7 of a new online serial novel, The Black Sheep, by Esther Rapaport. Check back for a new chapter every week.  Click here for previous chapters.

Copyright © Israel Bookshop Publications. 

The story of the black sheep was about a prince who had been sent into exile because of his misbehavior—so contrary to the rest of his refined and cultured family members—and thought he had been forgotten there forever. Because he was so unruly, he never bothered to read the letters from his father, the king. Osher’s preschool teacher had told the class the parable in kindergarten, and Osher had returned home fascinated by the story of the prince who was the black sheep of his family.

Reb Elazar and his son, Nechemia, who was home from yeshivah for Shabbos, listened to Osher’s account with interest.

“One boy asked the teacher if the mischievous prince would stand on the benches during circle time and jump onto the floor, ‘like Osher does.’ The kids all laughed, and the teacher told the boy that we don’t talk that way, but it didn’t help. And when my sister Ariella came to pick me up at the end of the day, I told her everything, and she went over to that boy and told him that when she was little, she also jumped off the chairs in her kindergarten class. But the girls didn’t make fun of her, because it’s not a nice thing to do.” Osher didn’t know that he was the first one of the boys to be doing this kind of “session” in the Reinesses’ private kitchen. The Friday night seudah was long over, and only he had gone up to help Reb Elazar and his son organize the refrigerator so that everything could fit back in.

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NEW RELEASE: Me First Manny

November 26, 2020


Me First Manny

Observe any preschool class (and often older classes as well…) during “line-up,” and you’ll see the same thing: kids running to be FIRST on line. What is it about being FIRST that’s so great?? I guess you’d have to be a kid to answer that question… But as adults, what we do know is that this “I’m first!” business often gets out of hand. I mean, what about those poor kids who happen to sit at the back of the classroom and can’t race to the front as fast as their other classmates? Are they doomed to always go to recess/get their snack/leave the room last? Not to mention the arguments these “I’m first!” kids always seem to engender with each other (because, after all, how many “I’m first!” kids can actually be the first?!)…

If you’re one of the many exasperated parents or teachers out there who are looking for a solution to this problem, look no further than Me First Manny, an absolutely adorable children’s book by Sari Grunwald and Shuli Marmorstein. Following the smashing success of their first book, Manny in a Pickle, this author/illustrator duo set out to create a book that would show kids just how ridiculous it is to always insist on being first for everything. In Me First Manny, the beloved Manny character takes his “Me-First” tendency a bit TOO far…to the amusement and delight of all readers of this book!

Kids will love reading this book and poring over the detailed illustrations, over and over again, and best of all, the message that, “It’s NOT the worst, if you are in the middle, and someone else is first” will really resonate with them. Hopefully, you’ll begin seeing the positive results of that quite soon!

Click here to purchase online.


NEW RELEASE: Hide & Seek

November 25, 2020

LA195Hide & Seek

When you have one kid reading a book over another kid’s shoulder, because Kid 1 simply cannot wait for Kid 2 to finish the book before reading it herself…you know you have a GREAT book on your hands.

When a book can so thoroughly entertain a bunch of bored tweens on a long winter’s evening, that you hardly hear anything from them for hours on end…you know there’s something extra special about the book.

When this book becomes THE talked-about subject among said tweens and their friends for the next few days…you know you’ve got to let the public know about this amazing product!

Folks, let me introduce you to Hide & Seek, a novel for teens and tweens by popular author Brachah Rosman. Here’s a book that’s got every element that kids love in it: suspense, adventure, scariness, unexpected plot twists, and finally, a happy ending. Of course, the book has lots of wonderful, Torah-true messages woven through it as well—but those sink into the readers’ minds subconsciously, without the readers even realizing it, as they are too busy trying to figure out what will happen next to pay close attention to anything else.

So, if you’re looking to give your child (or yourself—we’ve gotten so much enthusiastic feedback about this book from adults, too!) a really fantastic gift, go ahead and buy a copy of Hide & Seek. Trust me, this is a purchase you won’t regret.

Click here to purchase online.


November 23, 2020

LA193The Chief

Reb Chaim received a call one evening.

“Hello, is this Rabbi Goldzweig?” asked the man on the line.

“Yes, it is.”

 “I am visiting from Toronto for business and staying in a hotel downtown. I was told to call you for information about where I can get kosher food,” the caller explained.

Rabbi Goldzweig told the man that the kosher stores and restaurants were all located on the north side of Chicago, but that they would probably be closing within the hour. The man sounded disappointed that he would not be able to make it in time to get something to eat.

Reb Chaim told the man, “You know what? Let me stop off at the store and get you some sandwiches and I’ll bring them down to you. I should be there in about an hour.”

The man protested that Reb Chaim shouldn’t bother, but Reb Chaim told him not to worry about anything.

An hour later, Rabbi Goldzweig reached the hotel and saw a distinguished-looking Orthodox Jew in the lobby. He introduced himself and handed him a bag of sandwiches and other food.

“I can’t believe you came all the way downtown just for me!” the man said. “How much do I owe you?” He pulled out his wallet.

“Don’t worry about it. It’s my pleasure,” Reb Chaim reassured the man.

The man smiled and shook Reb Chaim’s hand. “My name is Moshe Reichmann and, thank G-d, I can afford to pay for it. I refuse to take the food without paying. Please tell me how much I owe you.”

Rabbi Goldzweig had never heard of the famous Canadian philanthropist. He smiled back and said, “Well, my name is Chaim Goldzweig, and have you ever heard of something called chessed? I refuse to take money for a chessed.

Mr. Reichmann looked at Rabbi Goldzweig incredulously. “Have you ever heard of me? My company is Olympia and York.”

“Hmm.” Rabbi Goldzweig thought for a moment. “I know where Olympia is and I know where York is, but they are nowhere near each other! But listen, if you want, you can take the money and give it to tzedakah instead.”

A little while later, Rabbi Goldzweig received a call from one of the rabbis at the OU.

“Chaim, you know you brought food to a man staying downtown?”

“Yeah,” Rabbi Goldzweig said. “He said his name is Reichmann or something like that. Why do you ask?”

“Chaim, that was Moishe Reichmann, one of the richest people in the world. You asked him if he knows what chessed is? He is one of the biggest ba’alei tzedakah around. He just called me to see if we have people from the moon working for the OU!”

But Reb Chaim wasn’t impressed. He would have done the same thing had the man not had a penny to his name.

Meet Reb Chaim Goldzweig. If you hadn’t heard of him until now, the above anecdote illustrates exactly the kind of person he was. A larger-than-life figure, he was the one on whose shoulders rested much of the kashrus industry of the world. But that was in the public eye.

In the privacy of his home, Reb Chaim was a ba’al tzedakah who supported countless individuals and institutions—even though he was not a rich man. He was the man who ran an open house that was literally just that: a house where random guests and homeless people felt comfortable opening the fridge, answering the phones, and changing the temperature of the thermostat, as if they were all bona-fide family members. He was the scion of chassidic Rebbes, whose bitachon in Hashem was genuine and absolute. And, of course, he was a beloved husband, father, and zeidy, who enjoyed nothing more than pampering his loved ones.

The Chief, written by a son-in-law, Rabbi Ephraim Nisenbaum, offers a peek into the life and legacy of Reb Chaim Goldzweig. In this book, you will read the fascinating history of the kashrus movement in America, and the enormous role that Reb Chaim played in it. You will also read many of the sometimes-scary-sometimes-hilarious-but always-entertaining stories that Reb Chaim experienced along his colorful journey as a globe-trotting mashgiach. As well, you will gain immeasurable chizuk and inspiration from the actions of this humble, self-effacing giant in chessed.

Click here to purchase online.

The Black Sheep – Chapter 6

November 23, 2020

Israel Book Shop presents Chapter 6 of a new online serial novel, The Black Sheep, by Esther Rapaport. Check back for a new chapter every week.  Click here for previous chapters.

Copyright © Israel Bookshop Publications. 

“Nosson’s parents called me the other day,” Ariella told her mother, when they both sat down after licht bentching.

“They called?” Her mother started. “What did they want?”

“To invite me for Shabbos.”

Shoshi, seated a short distance away and studying from her Navi, raised her eyes. There was quiet in the large room.

Nu?” her mother finally said.

“I didn’t want to, of course,” Ariella said lightly. “Last time I was there, last year, his mother tried to suggest a shidduch for me… But that’s not why I declined this time.”

“So what was the reason?”

“I need to rest,” her daughter replied. “I was very tense all week. Thinking about Osher, starting work again…I just wasn’t up to going away for Shabbos.”

“You wouldn’t have been able to rest there?” Shoshi dared to interject. “They probably don’t let you lift a finger when you’re there. Or do you mean that you’d have to bring them a cake or something?”

“If I would have gone, I would have asked you to bake something for me,” her oldest sister said with a smile. “No, it’s not the cake or the kugel that bothered me. When I’m there, Shoshi, I work the whole time.”

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The Black Sheep – Chapter 5

November 16, 2020

Israel Book Shop presents Chapter 5 of a new online serial novel, The Black Sheep, by Esther Rapaport. Check back for a new chapter every week.  Click here for previous chapters.

Copyright © Israel Bookshop Publications. 

“Sarah, mazel tov!” The kallah’s mother shook her hand warmly. “It’s so lovely to see you. Come, sit down; it’s fine that you didn’t get here for the chuppah. Look, my sister-in-law Zahava saved you a place.”

Sarah smiled and nodded and walked over to the corner table.

“Hello,” she said to the women seated there, some of whom she recognized and some whom she did not. “Mazel tov.”

“Sarah, mazel tov; how are you?” Elazar’s cousin began passing her bowls of dips one after the other. “You look tired. What time did you work until today?”

“Until six. Thanks.” Sarah took a bit of coleslaw but ignored the other dips.

“It’s no wonder you look like this, with those black circles under your eyes. With children or adults?”


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The Black Sheep – Chapter 4

November 9, 2020

Israel Book Shop presents Chapter 4 of a new online serial novel, The Black Sheep, by Esther Rapaport. Check back for a new chapter every week.  Click here for previous chapters.

Copyright © Israel Bookshop Publications. 

A few yards past the entry to the Reiness family’s apartment was another steel door, and beyond that was Sarah Reiness’s world. This was where their private home was located; none of her husband’s youths came in there, and she conducted her life there in a tranquil setting: she spoke on the phone to her married children, arranged her meeting calendar, fried tuna patties for lunch for the boys, or painted the sea.

She had already completed seven oil paintings that she’d named “The Sea,” all in the two years since they’d come from Haifa to Acco. They were all painted from the same angle, and were of similar style, but the hues, the boats, and the people on the sandy beach all changed, as if they were chapters in a serial story.

The paintings hung on the walls of the small living room, side by side, and anyone who looked at them could see that the paintbrush had been wielded by an amateur. But Sarah loved them anyway—and so did her husband, Elazar.

The latest painting was the most beautiful of them all.

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The Black Sheep – Chapter 3

November 2, 2020

Israel Book Shop presents Chapter 3 of a new online serial novel, The Black Sheep, by Esther Rapaport. Check back for a new chapter every week.  Click here for previous chapters.

Copyright © Israel Bookshop Publications. 

“Ariella?” Mindy Kagan lifted her pencil off her paper. “I don’t understand where the x of this equation goes.”

“Here,” her private tutor replied, pointing to a spot on the page.

“This? This is the second question, and I’m still on the first question.”

Oy, you’re right,” Ariella said. “So what did you ask me?”

Mindy looked at her, baffled. “Where is the x?”

“In which question?”

Mindy took a deep breath. “The first one.”

“Oh.” Ariella lowered her eyes to the page. Zichron Yaakov. Hadera. Haifa. Tzefas. Teveriah. Acco. Rosh Pinah. Nahariyah. Which part of the “north” had Osher gone to? She drummed the blue eraser on the table and pictured a map of Israel in her mind. Assuming that Osher had not crossed the border into Syria, where had he been speaking from? He didn’t sound carefree and calm. The sudden silence, the cut-off conversation… She’d need to sit with Abba, Ima, Shoshi, and Lakey and ask them for every shred of information that might shed some light on this very bewildering darkness. Which yeshivah could he have gone to that let him be so cut off from home, and supported keeping his family completely out of the loop?

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