The Cuckoo Clock – Chapter 11

June 24, 2019

Israel Book Shop presents Chapter 11 of a new online serial novel, The Cuckoo Clock, by Esther Rapaport. Check back for a new chapter every week.  Click here for previous chapters.

Copyright © Israel Bookshop Publications. 


The young man who regularly came to care for the trees on Ourdwe Street, including the branches at number 8, caught the attention of the children in the orphanage. He was blond haired, with sparkling eyes and a ready grin. He sang while he worked, and most importantly, he would toss small lollipops at the children at a time when there wasn’t a candy to be found in the orphanage kitchen. Slowly the children began to approach him. “What’s your name?” one little boy dared ask.


“Emil-Emil-Emil,” the children chanted as they sucked happily on their lollipops.

“What are you singing?” another boy tried.

“Nice songs,” the gardener replied. “And what’s your name?”





Some of the boys only nodded bashfully but didn’t say a word, especially the younger ones. The tree man would smile, wave at them, and move on to the next part of the street.

He continued coming at least twice a week, and in time Theodore noticed him and began observing him from the window of the office.

“I’m wondering about that man,” he said one day to Farash, who was seated behind him. “Since Lucio left, we have a problem with the evening hours. What do you say, should we try offering him a job?”

Farash raised his head from the daily paper. “You can try,” he murmured.

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NEW RELEASE: Mommy I’m Bored on Shabbos

June 20, 2019

“Mommy, I’m Bored” on Shabbos

 Are you an Uncle Izzy fan?

I guess you’d had to have read Rochel Scheller’s first book, Mommy, I’m Bored,” in order to know who he is… But my guess is that enough of you do own that popular book, so you’re already familiar with Uncle Izzy and his great ideas of activities for kids.

Well, guess what? Uncle Izzy is back, with another slew of ideas to keep kids as far from boredom as possible—on Shabbos!

If you’re at a loss as to how your kids can entertain themselves during these long Shabbos afternoons, you’ll want to invite Uncle Izzy back to your home, this time for a Shabbos visit. Listen to his boredom-bashing ideas, and pretty soon you’ll find that you won’t be hearing those dreaded words—“Mommy, I’m Bored”—on Shabbos anymore!

Click here to purchase online.

The Cuckoo Clock – Chapter 10

June 17, 2019

Israel Book Shop presents Chapter 10 of a new online serial novel, The Cuckoo Clock, by Esther Rapaport. Check back for a new chapter every week.  Click here for previous chapters.

Copyright © Israel Bookshop Publications. 


“I feel bad for Tzippy.”

Yaakov raised his head from the electric bill he was studying. “Huh?”

“I feel bad for Tzippy,” his wife repeated.

“Your sister?”

“Which other Tzippy would I be talking about?”

He folded the bill. “I guess it should be obvious that you mean your sister, but why do you feel bad for her? She’s a kallah, isn’t she?”

Miri tilted her chair back a bit, a habit she had not been able to kick since second grade. “Yes, she’s a kallah, and I think she’s very happy, baruch Hashem. But when I think about the financial situation in my parents’ house, which has gotten worse than it was before our wedding, I feel so torn for her. And that’s even with my mother’s new job. I’m not sure they will even be able to rent in Bnei Brak, and they’ll have to go live in some remote hole in the wall right after the wedding. And there’s no way to know when or how they will ever get an apartment of their own. I know my parents are very stressed out about the whole subject.” She fell silent for a minute and stared at the table.

“I’m not sure they even started doing any shopping, you know, kallah kind of shopping… I wish I could take her to Berman’s sale with about four thousand shekel in my wallet.”

Yaakov smiled. “Four thousand shekel? What will you buy with that? Towels with golden tassels?”

“Oh, Yaakov, you have no idea,” his wife said seriously. “Not golden tassels, but do you know how much a good set of linen costs? Our blue-green set cost about three hundred shekel, and it’s not even an expensive one. And you need quite a few towels, and that’s only one category. I haven’t even touched on sheva brachos outfits and some good weekday clothes, and pots and dishes for a starter kitchen, and a broom and dustpan and mop and pail and an ironing board. Oh, and what about appliances and furniture?”

“So four thousand shekel really isn’t enough for all that.”

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The Cuckoo Clock – Chapter 9

June 11, 2019

Israel Book Shop presents Chapter 9 of a new online serial novel, The Cuckoo Clock, by Esther Rapaport. Check back for a new chapter every week.  Click here for previous chapters.

Copyright © Israel Bookshop Publications. 


“A wedding on Rosh Chodesh Teves. That is the only thing you have to do,” Rosenblit said as he took a binder out of his drawer that had apparently been waiting for this very moment. “He would also be happy to receive an invitation to the wedding, but it would be purely honorary. His health precludes him from traveling to Israel.” He pulled a page out of a sheet protector. “This is a copy of the contract,” he noted, and pushed it toward them.

“What about after the wedding? Is he going to have any other demands then?” Eliyahu examined the photocopied page. Elisheva also looked at it, but she couldn’t read anything. This was impossible. Actually, it was possible. It was a scam. It was real. Someone was deceiving them. This was the answer to her tefillos. It was too delusional to be real. It seemed reasonable and well founded. Rosenblit had even shown them copies of the Australian man’s ID documents.

“For example, will he want them to keep in touch with him?” Eliyahu, who was very grounded, and remained so now, was trying to choose his words carefully. “Even if he is Torah observant, as you say he is, I wouldn’t exactly want him to ‘adopt’ our couple. He won’t wake up one fine morning and demand that they fly out to Australia to him?”

“Nothing,” Rosenblit declared. “What’s important to him is the date of the wedding and the documents that affirm that. Everything is clearly stipulated here. If you ask me, it would be nice for the chassan and kallah to write him a nice thank you letter, but that’s a side point. He is not demanding it.”

“A thank you letter is the most basic decency. That’s not what we’re talking about. The question is if he is going to want to be involved in the young couple’s life or intervene about matters like buying the apartment, for example.”


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June 5, 2019

There’s a certain word used by lots of yeshivah kids—especially boys—these days: “Booshed.”

Ah, I see lots of you are smiling…guess you’ve heard it bandied around, too! Yeah, it’s one of those words that the kids come home from school with and you’re not sure whether to discourage its usage or just to laugh.

For the unaware, “booshed” basically means to be put in your place. As in: “All the guys wanted to win the Slurpee raffle, and Greenblatt (who loves Slurpees just like the next kid) kept saying he doesn’t care about winning, because he doesn’t like Slurpees anyway…and then he wins the raffle!! Boy, was he BOOSHED!”

Anyway, when I saw this new comics book, Wisecracks, and read what it’s about, I had to smile. Boy, are today’s kids gonna love this one… Here is an entire book of stories about gedolei Yisrael who used their Torah wisdom to put sonei Yisrael in their place! Indeed, “booshed” at its very best, and for the very greatest reason possible!

In this book you’ll read about Rav Shimon Sofer and how he outwitted the anti-Semite who disparaged the Jews to the king; about the wise rav who neatly got his congregation out of a dangerous blood libel; and about Rav Yonasan Eibshitz who outsmarted the priest at a debate he was forced to attend.

The stories are brilliant as they are witty, and they’ll keep you and your kids on your toes and seriously laughing out loud! Kosher humor, a terrific read, and a comics book, no less…what more could you ask for?!

Click here to purchase online.

NEW RELEASE: Ari Gets Lost

June 4, 2019

“Where’s Shmuli?!”

If you’re a mom with young children, just reading this line may sow panic within you, as you picture the terrifying scene: a huge store teeming with people…you trying to get your shopping done with your kids hanging onto your cart…and then turning around and seeing that Shmuli, your easily-distracted five-year-old, is missing.

Every mother has her own version of this horror story, but in every case, when Mom is baruch Hashem finally reunited with little Shmuli, she is emphatic that her kids learn the correct steps to take if such a thing ever happens again (which, of course, it often does).

That’s why all the mothers on our staff were so thrilled with the release of Ari Gets Lost. In this adorable children’s book we read about a little boy who goes to the zoo with his mother and siblings, but gets separated from them and doesn’t know how to find his family. In a fun, entertaining, and non-threatening way, he learns the all-important dos and don’ts of what to do when you get lost…and readers do, too!

Endorsed by renowned psychologist and trauma specialist Dr. Norman N. Blumenthal, as well as by Chief of Police Gregory Meyer of Lakewood, NJ, this book also includes a page of guidelines for parents, so parents can learn how to help their children stay safe and calm even when they are lost.

In short, this book is what every parent needs to read to their kids before they set out on any trip or shopping expedition!

Click here to purchase online.

The Cuckoo Clock – Chapter 8

June 3, 2019

Israel Book Shop presents Chapter 8 of a new online serial novel, The Cuckoo Clock, by Esther Rapaport. Check back for a new chapter every week.  Click here for previous chapters.

Copyright © Israel Bookshop Publications. 


They sat in the stylish waiting room of Rosenblit and Etzioni, Attorneys at Law, Eliyahu perusing his ever-present pocket Chumash, and Elisheva clicking the clasp of her pocketbook open and closed. It was quiet; aside for the secretary seated at the front, no one else seemed to be there.

“Attorney Rosenblit will be finishing his meeting momentarily, and then he’ll be with you,” the secretary had told them two minutes earlier. “In the meantime, why don’t you take seats?” She’d placed a tray with some high-quality, crystal-style disposable cups and a bottle of Coke in front of them.

“Do you want a drink?” Eliyahu asked his wife.

“No, I just want to know what they want from us.” Elisheva took a tissue out of her bag. Then she put it back in and took out her cell phone. Then her wallet.

“It’s about a business matter,” the lawyer had told her the day before. When he’d called, Elisheva had grabbed the phone and dashed back down to her parking lot refuge and her recent acquaintance, the cat. “A grant of sorts that the couple getting married might be able to receive.”

“What’s involved in getting this grant?” she had asked, backing up from the cat and waving with one hand at the neighbor from upstairs who was crossing the parking lot to toss her garbage bag in the dumpster.

A truck was reversing out of the parking lot next door to the grocery which adjoined Elisheva’s building, and the lawyer’s words had gotten swallowed by the din. “Pardon me?” Elisheva said. She hadn’t heard a word he had said.

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