NEW RELEASE! Gems from the Nesivos Sholom

August 26, 2014

L685As the days of the summer slowly slink away, and the month of Elul heralds its presence with the first tremor-filled blast of the shofar, an air of introspection seems to fill the air. Jews everywhere are turning inward, attempting to work on their ruchniyus, polish up on their service of Hashem, gain some more merits for themselves before the Day of Judgment.

For those looking for a sefer to provide guidance and inspiration at this spiritually charged time, an excellent and highly acclaimed book has just hit the market: Gems from the Nesivos Sholom. In this magnificent work, Rabbi Binyomin Ginsberg, a talmid of the famed Nesivos Sholom, Reb Sholom Noach Berezovsky zt”l of Slonim, elucidates some of the Rebbe’s essays on the topic of the Yamim Nora’im, in English. That’s right—for the first time ever, English-only speakers can now enjoy the beautiful and rich ma’amarim of the Nesivos Sholom, too!

You’ll be awed at the Nesivos Sholom’s masterful blend of Chassidic thought and scholarly analysis; mystical concepts and illustrative narratives. Inspiration simply seeps out of each and every page in this sefer. With Gems from the Nesivos Sholom at your side during these Yamim Nora’im, you can be sure that, b’ezras Hashem, you’ll go far!

Click here to purchase online.

NEW RELEASE! The Royal Mission

August 25, 2014

C372You know those important lessons that you would love to somehow transmit to your kids, but you have no idea how to do it without the lesson sailing right over their heads? (I’m not referring to the lessons on “Why It’s Important To Clean Your Room” or “Why You Should Not Pull Your Sister’s Ponytail”— those you’ll have to figure out on your own how to teach to your kids…) Take, for example, teaching children the importance of creating a kiddush Hashem in every situation they are in. That’s not something that is always easy for a child to grasp.

Sometimes, a simple mashal is the best way to teach something to a child. And when the story of the mashal is spun by talented author Rachel Stein, and the characters and setting are brought to life by children’s illustrator Racheli David—well, it’s pretty hard for a kid to ignore such a story and its lesson!

That is why we feel The Royal Mission is such a crucial contribution to the world of children’s literature. It takes the all-important lesson of how and why we must constantly bring honor to Hashem’s Name—and really brings the lesson down to a child’s level of understanding. In this story, readers are introduced to Fluffy and Cottontail, two servants of King Arnevet, who are sent by the king to enjoy a wonderful vacation…but with the caveat that they always remember who they represent, even while away from the royal palace.

Children will follow the two lovable bunnies as they encounter different scenarios and make decisions on how to act. As one bunny emerges as the hero and the other as the one who needs to brush up on his behavior, your child will grow in his understanding and appreciation of the mitzvah of kiddush Hashem.

This is a book every child, bunny rabbit-lover or not, will enjoy!

Click here to purchase online.

NEW RELEASE! Menachem and Lieba Learn How to Budget

August 20, 2014

C371It’s comical when it’s someone else’s kid. It’s not when it’s your own.

Your child asks you for yet another quarter to have “one more” chance at winning a stuffed animal from a machine—because, after all, it’s only a quarter…

He doesn’t understand why, even when there’s a sale, you won’t necessarily buy all the latest fads for him…

 The word “saving” doesn’t exist in his lexicon; immediately after receiving his Chanukah gelt or birthday check, the money is spent on nosh or small toys….

The concept of budgeting is unfortunately foreign to so many people, and the reason this is so is because too many adults never received the education of how to budget when they were young. As crucial a life skill as budgeting is, it doesn’t usually come naturally to children, and as parents and educators, it is our responsibility to teach our children how to budget, so that, when they get older, they have the necessary tools to be self-supporting, financially stable adults.

Menachem and Lieba Learn How to Budget is a groundbreaking concept in children’s literature. In this adorable, charmingly illustrated book, children will learn the basic fundamentals of budgeting and how to be responsible with their money. They’ll relate to Menachem and Lieba’s dreams and wishes (doesn’t every child want to buy, buy, buy at the toy store?), and will learn along with them how to make wise choices when it comes to spending money.

Invest in your child’s future. Buy this book for him. Down the line, he’ll thank you.

Click here to purchase online.