NEW RELEASE! Who Is the Real Weatherman?

November 25, 2014

C382I remember the first snowstorm of my married life. There I was, watching from my living room window as the snow fell from the sky by the shovelful, my heart sinking to somewhere near my ankles. To me, snow means treacherous road conditions…hours spent cleaning off your car and walkway…coming late to work…dealing with the mess of melted snow in the front hallway of the house… Yeah, you could call me a summer gal. Winter and snow—they just aren’t my thing.

You can understand my confusion, then, when my husband came home later that day with an exuberant grin on his face. What was he so excited about, with such lousy weather outdoors? I wondered.

“Snow!” he fairly shouted. “Look how much snow there is! I’m going back outside to clean off the car, ‘kay?” And so saying, he bounded out of the house in his winter gear, all ready to tackle the fun and exciting task of…shoveling out the car?

It took a few minutes until comprehension set in. Snow. Oh, of course! To him, snow was a big deal. Growing up in Australia, my husband hadn’t seen much snow in his childhood. Even after years spent in American yeshivos, it seemed he still hadn’t lost that childlike enthusiasm for the wet stuff blanketing the ground.

Hmm. To each his own, I guess. (At least I got a shoveled-out car off the deal!)

But aside from those who, like my husband, did not grow up with snow, I think it’s quite safe to say that most adults do not find snow days to be fun. Exhausting, yes; nerve-wracking, yes—but not fun. Kids, on the other hand…

Peek in on any household with children over the age of three, on a morning when the kids have just been woken up with the magical words, “It’s snowing outside!” and watch those kids fly to the window to watch the wonder unfold before their eyes. And if the magical words the parents uttered happened to have been, “No school today—it’s a snow day!”—well, you may need earplugs to protect your ears from those joyful shouts of glee!

But what happens when, no matter what the weatherman predicts, the snow does not come?

In Who Is the Real Weatherman?  young readers are introduced to Chesky, who loves the snow and can’t wait to do all his snow-related activities…if only the snow will begin to fall! As time marches on and winter slowly fades into spring, Chesky learns some important lessons on Who is the only One Who controls the weather.

And then he gets the biggest shock of the season…

If you’ve got kids pining for the real winter weather to begin, this is a book you’ll want to read to them. It’s got fun and excitement on every page, plus lots of important lessons for children to absorb.

And—who knows—it may even stir up some excitement in you for the snowy weather!

Happy shoveling! :)

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NEW RELEASE! Culture Shock

November 6, 2014

L700When the song “Sfashkenaz,” produced by Abie Rotenberg on Journeys Volume 4, burst onto the scene of Jewish music back in 2003, it became an instant hit. Was it the adorable lyrics that hold such an important message within them? Was it simply because it’s such a catchy song?
Perhaps it’s both, but I’d venture to say that people are intrigued by the idea of the Sephardic and Askenazic worlds embracing and becoming enmeshed in each other. There’s something so…satisfying, even heartwarming, about Rachamim speaking Yiddish and Kalman enjoying a big bowl of couscous every day…know what I mean?

Well, Culture Shock, by popular writer C. Rosenberg, incorporates a twist of this very idea into its captivating plot. When Yemenite Yemima meets up with Yerushalmi Gittel, after fleeing her pogrom-ridden country and arriving on the shores of Eretz Yisrael, neither girl dreams of the deep friendship that will spring up between the two. But life in the Holy Land in the mid 1900s is anything but easy for any of its residents, and with the burden each girl carries on her shoulders, it is little wonder that Gittel and Yemima find so much in common—despite their differences in dress, appearance, language, and customs…

Culture Shock will introduce you to the very real challenges experienced by the residents of Eretz Yisrael during a most turbulent era in recent history. If you’re looking for a beautifully-written historical novel that will both entertain and enlighten you—and yes, provide you with lots of heartwarming satisfaction, too!—this is the book you need to read!

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NEW RELEASE! Your Torah Is My Delight

November 5, 2014

C380How every parent dreams and prays that his or her child will follow in the ways of our gedolim! Gedolim like the Chafetz Chaim…like Rav Moshe Feinstein…like Rav Shach…or, like more recently, Rav Elyashiv.

Rav Elyashiv’s entire life—his entire world—was Torah; he was a living, breathing sefer Torah, and our generation had the incredible zechus of having him in our midst until just a few short years ago…

But what about our children, who may have heard the name “Rav Elyashiv,” but who don’t necessarily know much about this saintly gadol? Shouldn’t they, too, on their own level, be exposed to Rav Elyashiv’s gadlus? Shouldn’t they, too, be inspired to emulate this great tzaddik’s ways?

Enter R’ Avrohom Ohayon, and a solution is found: Your Torah Is My Delighta beautiful book of stories about Rav Elyashiv zt”l, geared specifically for young children. Magnificently illustrated by Avishai Chen, this book is a real masterpiece in both content and aesthetics, guaranteed to become a classic among both parents and kids!

Each of the twenty-five stories in this book will leave you—and your children—awestruck with amazement. You’ll read about the life, the learning, and the middos of Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv…and you’ll find yourself yearning to be like this gadol, too…

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NEW RELEASE! Rav Schwab on Chumash

November 4, 2014

L696Rav Shimon Schwab zt”l was legendary in many ways. He was known for his yashrus, for his rock-solid emunah ba’Hashem, and for his brilliance in Torah learning. Indeed, this great man, with his words, speeches, writings, and Torah, was to change the face of twentieth-century American Jewry in a most profound way.

Now, just in time for this tzaddik’s 20th yahrtzeit, here is a book that will give you Rav Schwab’s perspective on the weekly parshah and on life itself.

In Rav Schwab on Chumash, readers will find treasure troves of Rav Schwab’s divrei Torah on the Chumash, as well as many stories, vignettes, and lessons from the life and writings of the Rav that help illustrate various points. Two mini-biographies further complete the richness of this sefer, providing readers with an additional dimension of this holy tzaddik who lived in our midst just two decades ago.

Written by Rav Schwab’s son, Rabbi Meyer J. Schwab, this book is an exquisite portrayal of the teachings and the persona of one of the greatest gedolim of our generation. With Rav Schwab on Chumash, your understanding of the Chumash, as well as your outlook on life in general, will be significantly—and forever—enhanced.

Click here to purchase online.