NEW RELEASE! The Tzaddik’s Blessing

There’s nothing a kid likes better than an exciting miracle story that “really, really happened!”

And when that story also teaches yiras Shamayim, emunas chachamim, and ahavas haTorah –well, there’s nothing a parent likes better than that!

The Tzaddik’s Blessing, a book containing 25 amazing stories about Baba Sali, has both ma’alos—and that’s why both kids and their parents will love it!

Read about the miraculous spring of water that Hashem created just for Baba Sali…about the gang of thieves that couldn’t find the door after attempting a robbery at Baba Sali’s house…about the injured soldier who, after promising Baba Sali that he would keep Torah and mitzvos, was suddenly able to walk again…and many other exciting, inspiring, and, of course, true stories in this book!

Click here to purchase online.

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